Harmony Creations has created three porcelain beauties from Oz. Dorothy stands at 16 inches and both witches are 20 inches. The hair style on Dorothy is unique as I've only seen it on one other doll before by Robin Woods. It's a nice change from the regular pigtails and it's reminiscent of a style modeled by Judy Garland. Photo courtesy The Judy Room.
The witches are priced at $24.99 each and Dorothy's retail is $19.99. Very reasonable prices for porcelain dolls of this size. These will make wonderful gifts for the holidays for the holidays for the Oz or Wicked lover on your list. They are available from Karen Owens who can be contacted at storylandmi@aol.com The December issue of Dolls Magazine has a 3 page article about the Oz museum in Wamego, Kansas. It pictures the Tim Wolak's life size figures and the Franklin Mint dolls. The article mentions many of the dolls on display. There's a couple of very minor errors, but overall it's very informative for those not familiar with the museum.
The Robert Tonner Doll Company has kept Oz collectors very busy this year. The Munchkin introduced at the convention earlier this year, the introduction of the Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Cowardly Lion at the same convention..... Every few months there was a new doll! Really exciting for doll lovers. Now for the final intro of the year......a new Wicked Witch doll available exclusively at FAO Schwarz. http://www.tonnerdoll.com/faoexcl.htm
We should have a couple of months to relax until the 2007 introductions in January. Who knows what amazing things we'll see next year?? Can't wait!!!