Please note these are samples only and are subject to change pending licensor approval. They look great so far and thank goodness Dorothy has blue socks!!! All the character prototypes weren't ready for Toy Fair but there will be a Scarecrow and a Wicked Witch of the West. If the line proves successful, there are hopes to add other characters. Factory Entertainment does a wide variety of product and I'd so love to see them really expand with the Oz characters. As of now, they are scheduled for a third quarter release so that should put us in the July - September area. They will be released 3 characters at a time and retail for $11.99 each. It's really exciting to have a new licensee on board with The Wizard of Oz. I'm hoping to see a full show of support from the Oz community. Judging from the Toy Fair photos the pieces look marvelous!!!

I am so in love with these little guys! I can't wait to see the Wicked Witch. I think the way Toto is posed holding his little paw up is adorable! So far I'm super happy with these early offerings and I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
BIG THANK YOU to Factory Entertainment for being so generous with photos and information. Your time is much appreciated.
And BIG THANKS to Kroffty Dave for taking time out of his day to confer, converse and otherwise hobnob with licensees and take photos. It's really important to show them Oz is still beloved and we very much want more product. He is truly a wizard among wizards. Thank you!!