Lots of Updates!!! I imagine it’s only going to get busier from here. The “official” anniversary date is three weeks away and then the new DVD and Blu Ray sets in September. I’m expecting heavy advertising and point of purchase promos.
The Hallmark Wicked Witch ornament is sold out from Hallmark. Individual Hallmark stores should still have stock from their distributors but once they’re gone, they’re gone. And stores that carry Hallmark like Walgreens may have them if you need to find them later. If you are planning to purchase this ornament, try to do so soon. Many Hallmarks offer layaway if you’d need it.
Lenox will be releasing a figurine of Dorothy and the Scarecrow dancing. It stands at 7 ½” inches tall and it’s priced at $98.00. Karen Owens expects to have a photo soon. Right now Karen has flip flops in stock. http://wizardofozland.com/anniversary.php Watch her site for more 70th anniversary updates.
The new Wicked Witch themed fabric from Quilting Treasures is arriving at stores and you can also order from Karen. The colors are very deep and rich making the fabric look almost like a tapestry.
The Wonders of Oz figurine series is now shipping Glinda – Glittering Goodness.
I will have photos of the rest of the series soon.
Aunt Em’s Farm from the Halloween Village is shipping
The Jasmine Becket-Griffith Scarecrow Fairy is now shipping.
Thanks to Jim Whitcomb and Lou Berrillo for keeping me updated regarding the Collectibles Today companies. I’ll have photos and updates on other pieces including the new 70th anniversary carousel coming very soon.
Annalee has added two more mice to it’s Wizard of Oz collection for 2010. You’ll want to pick up the Wizard and Glinda to add to your collection.
Xseed Games will have The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road for Nintendo DS this fall. http://www.xseedgames.com/news.php?id=59
Kurt Adler erroneously sent out an email to their retailers announcing the Winged Monkey novelty nutcracker had been cancelled when in fact they were referring to it's more expensive counterpart the Steinbach. The novelty nutcracker should be more widely available very soon.

The 2010 Andrews McMeel calendar should be arriving any day now.
Teleflora will have a promotion this fall. There’s a figurine on eBay and I can imagine there’s a bouquet to go with it. I’ll post more information as I have it.
Teleflora will have a promotion this fall. There’s a figurine on eBay and I can imagine there’s a bouquet to go with it. I’ll post more information as I have it.
The Kansas State Lottery has 70th Annivesary Wizard of Oz scratch-its. Many Oz fans will remember for the 60th anniversary, people out of state were allowed to request sample tickets. That practice has been discontinued. Samples and tickets are only available within the state of Kansas.

Details on this next item are a little sketchy, I apologize. I can’t read Portuguese and the google translator only takes you so far. A shoe designer named Melissa in Brazil has a line of shoes or a company names Plastic Dreams and just like it sounds her shoes are made from recycled plastic. She has Wizard of Oz inspired shoes. Naturally the red pair has been the most popular. She has an English site but the Oz shoes don’t appear to be on there. Sometimes due to licensing restrictions items can’t be sold out of the country that produces them. http://www.melissaplasticdreams.com/home

The Wizard of Oz Teacup Collection is handsculpted with glitter accents. Dorothy and Toto is the first sculptural teacup in the series followed by Scarecrow, Tinman, Cowardly Lion, and more. Hopefully, that means the witches. The series is from the Hamilton Collection and the cups are 5” tall and $29.99 each plus shipping. Contact www.collectiblestoday.com to order. Thanks to Lou Berrillo and Robyn Bodine for the scans and info.

And now…………….what we’ve all been waiting for……………….oh yes………Wizard of Oz Monchhichi. Some of us will remember these little guys from our not so distant childhoods. And you know, whether you want to admit or not, you remember the theme song at least in part. . These will be in stock mid - late August. However, it looks like that Glinda may have been misidentified as she is not part of the Wizard of Oz set. Sorry witch fans. Please email Stu Carter of Atamaii Anime Toys for more information. info@atamaii.com
Check out his site for other fun non- Oz Asian toys. http://www.atamaii.com/
And please tell him you saw the Monchhichi here.Check out his site for other fun non- Oz Asian toys. http://www.atamaii.com/