To the best of my knowledge, there is no mass market merchandise other than the March 11 DVD release and the CD soundtrack. However, last summer the Sci Fi Channel launched an impressive advertising blitz. Please click photos to enlarge.

Comic books and candy pop rings were giveaways at Comic and Sci Fi conventions.

Various posters and banners heralding Tin Man's December premiere were displayed prominently in large cities around the country. The most ingenious display was at the Los Angeles International Airport combining the new characters from Tin Man with a little piece of familiarity from the original Oz story. Photo courtesy of Deb Dwyer Moderator of the Everything Oz Club http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/everythingoz/

I don't know how the yellow brick was distributed, but one was sold on eBay. The text on the brick prompts you to visit Sci Fi's official Tin Man site.

In the weeks leading up to the mini series' debut the Sci Fi Channel distributed comics, t-shirts, and boxed board games for promotional giveaways.

Tin Man's extravagant press kit included a folder with press info and 2 screener DVDs, the board game, and a 31 page booklet with photos from the film and behind the scenes.

Another rare item is a set of 7 promotional trading cards. Each card pictured a Tin Man ad on it's reverse.